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Uso de london plane em inglês
The Londonplane has been a favorite street tree for at least a century & a half.
'Oh, you just like to imagine her sitting under a Londonplane tree creating monsters.'
The troublesome-yet-tiny insect has already infested Liquid Amber and LondonPlane trees in Somerset West, around 30km outside of Cape Town.
Twenty of 57 LondonPlane trees have already been removed to facilitate Luas works and the erection of the Millennium Spire.
There on the reclaimed land are row after row of young Londonplane trees, honey locust lindens, ginkgoes, oaks, and dwarf pines.
The troublesome-yet-tiny insect has already infested Liquid Amber and LondonPlane trees in Somerset West, around 30km outside of the Mother City.
The two of us stood before the darkening sky, the leaves and the branches of the Londonplane trees slowly but inevitably fading into night.
She counted rowans, wild cherry trees, a small-leafed lime, holly, crab apples, Londonplane trees, hornbeams, several ponds, sheds, clothes lines, a conspiracy of gnomes.
'These will see you through tonight,' I said, 'and I'll make sure they keep a seat for you on tomorrow's Londonplane.'
The grand total for the past 7 years comes to over 2000, most of them Londonplanes, Norway maples, or Chinese ginkgoes.